Highlights from Gazettes published during the week ending 4th September, 2009…
National Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 32523, 32529, 32531, 32532, 32535, 32536, 32537, 32538, 32539, 32540, 32541, 32542, 32543, 32544, 32545, 32546, 32547
- Tariffs for piped-gas
- Classification of films, interactive computer games and various publications
- Draft Regulations under the Fire Brigade Services Act 99 of 1987
- The official rate of interest
- Policyholder Protection Rules for long-term, and short-term, insurance
- Lecturer development in FET colleges
- Maritime related courses, and the National Senior Certificate
- National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009 and Regulations
- Safety of dams
- Retail price for illuminating paraffin
- Standards of GRAP
- The Social Housing Act 16 of 2008
Eastern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 2183, 2184, 2187, 2188
- Postponement of elections for Traditional Councils
- Various land and property related notices
Free State Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 67
- Various land and property related notices
Gauteng Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205
- Conversion of liquor licences
- Special measures dealing with transport related violence, unrest and instability in various municipalities
- Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality tariffs for building plans and related fees
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 326
- Notice of intention to dispose of Portion 4 (of 1) of Erf 123 Assagay
- The administration, management and control of provincial hospitals, services and institutions
- Various land and property related notices
Limpopo Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 1672
- Various land and property related notices
Mpumalanga Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 1711
- Various land and property, and gambling related notices
Northern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: (No new Gazettes issued)
- No new Gazettes issued
North West Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 6682
- Various land and property related notices
Western Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 6656
- Status of Municipal Environmental Impact Assessment Applications in the Western Cape, made in terms of the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 and National Environment Management Act 107 of 1998 as at 1st September 2009
- Calls to inspect various property valuation rolls
- Various property and land related notices
TAILPIECE: We know very little, and yet it is astonishing that we know so much, and still more astonishing that so little knowledge can give us so much power..Bertrand Russell