Notable news in Gazettes published during the week ending 21th August 2009…
National Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 32413, 32492, 32494, 32495, 32496, 32497, 32498, 32499, 32500, 32501, 32502, 32503, 32504, 32505, 32507, 32508, 32509, 32510, 32513
- Draft Preferential Procurement regulations, 2009
- Notice on the registration of medicines
- Invitation to apply for boat-based whale and dolphin watching and white shark cage diving permits
- Extension of the submission date for comment on the public service broadcasting discussion document
- Commencement of various sections of Act 55 of 2003
- Scale of fees under section 80 of Act 53 of 1979
- Explanatory summary of the Protections of Personal Information Bill, 2009
Publication of the Deeds Registries Amendment Bill, 2009 and the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill, 2009 - Draft amendment to requirements for the administration of surveys under the South African Schools Act 84 of 1995
- Publication of Proposed Feeds Bill, 2009
- Anti-dumping notices related to clear drawn and float glass originating in or imported from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and India, and fresh or chilled garlic originating in or imported from the People’s Republic of China (PRC)
- Correction of the commencement of the Skills Development Amendment Act 37 of 2008
- Draft regulations under the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008
- Amendment of Policies and Policy Directions under Act 36 of 2005 with regard to provincial under-serviced area network operator (Pusano) licences
- Transfer of administration of the National Youth Development Agency Act 54 of 2008 and National Youth Commission Act 19 of 1996
Eastern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 2175, 2176, 2177
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
- Various applications for liquor and gambling licences
Free State Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 63, 64
- Publication of the Free State Liquor Amendment Bill, 2009
- Various land and property related notices
Gauteng Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 185, 189
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 320, 321, 322, 323
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
Limpopo Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 1662, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1669, 1670, 1671
- Supplemented / reviewed list of candicates for the Limpopo Legislature: African National Congress
- Limpopo Political Party Fund Regulations, 2009
- Designation of full time councillors
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
Mpumalanga Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 1707, 1708
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
Northern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 1331, 1332
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
North West Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 6674, 6675, 6676, 6677
- Draft Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2009
Western Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 6651
- Publication of various City of Cape Town By-laws
- Various land and property related notices
- Amendment to the boundaries of the Fernkloof Local Nature Reserve