Notable news in Gazettes published during the week ending 19th June 2009…
National Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 32311, 32313, 32315, 32318, 32320, 32321, 32322, 32323, 32324, 32325, 32326, 32327, 32328, 32329
- Bill amending the Constitution
- National Lottery Board
- Levies on financial institutions
- Ministry of Police’s FIFA Regulations
- UIF Regulations, amendments
- Direct Payment System
- Salaries of Public Prosecutors
- BEE Forestry Sector Charter
- …
Eastern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 2133, 3135, 2136, 2137, 2138
- By-laws for various municipalities
- Call to inspect the valuation roll of various municipalities
- Various land and property related notices
Free State Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 41, 42 and 43
- Notice of various applications for public road carrier permits
- Publication of property rates and tariffs – Maluti-a-Phofung
- Various local government by-election information
- Various land and property related notices
- Property Rates By-laws for Mohokare Local Municipality, Nketoana Municipality and Tswelopele Local Municipality
Gauteng Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 133, 139, 141, 142
- …
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 290, 291, 292, 293
- Bingo
- Municipal Council rules
- Various property and land related notices
- Various notices of rates assessments and determinations
- Call to inspect valuations rolls
- Various municipal by-laws
Limpopo Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 1631
- Various property and land related notices
- Various notices of rates assessments and determinations
Mpumalanga Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week: 1680
- Property and land related notices
- Various notices of rates assessments and determinations
Northern Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 1312, 1313, 1314
- Various property and land related notices
- Various notices on municipal by-laws
North West Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 6644, 6647, 6648, 6649
- Various property and land related notices
- Allocations to schools, hospitals and municipalities
- Notices on various draft municipal by-laws
Western Cape Provincial Gazettes
Gazettes issued this week:Â 6637
- Property and land related notices
- Lists of licence applications received
- Notice of appointment to Provincial Development Council
TAILPIECE: President George Bush to Commentary magazine’s Jay Lefkowitz in 2001 on stem cell research: “We’re tinkering with the boundaries of life here… We’re on the edge of a cliff. And if we take a step off the cliff, there’s no going back. Perhaps we should only take one step at a time.”