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Sheriffs Amendment Act,
No. 74 of
Long title To amend the Sheriffs Act, 1986, in order to provide for the rationalisation of certain laws relating to sheriffs and messengers of the court which were in force in various areas of the national territory of the Republic by virtue of the Constitution; to amend certain definitions; to empower the Minister to appoint more than one sheriff for a particular area to perform the duties and functions assigned to a sheriff to restructure the composition of the Board Sheriffs in order to make it more representative; to provide for a disciplinary inquiry by an independent and impartial person who must be suitably qualified in law; to provide that sheriffs be allowed, before they pay over the interest accrued on their trust accounts to the Fidelity Fund for Sheriffs, to deduct therefrom their expenses in respect of their trust accounts; to further regulate the issuing of fidelity fund certificates to acting sheriffs; to compel a sheriff to obtain professional indemnity insurance; to provide for admission of guilt fines; to provide for additional actions against a sheriff who is found guilty of improper conduct; to create certain offences; to extend the application of the Act to the entire national territory of the Republic; and to provide for transitional provisions; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Table of contents
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