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Welfare, Pensions and other grants, and Prisons

This is UNCERTIFIED information. For authentic information please refer to information that has been certified as correct. In case of any mistake, please advise us. Where Acts are marked as amended or repealed, please note any transitional and commencement provisions which may affect the implementation or commencement of the amendment or the repeal. If you would like any LINK activated, please contact us regarding subscriptions.

1967 081 Aged Persons Act [Repealed by Act 2006_013_035] LINK
1971 014 Aged Persons Amendment Act LINK
1976 046 Aged Persons Amendment Act LINK
1998 100 Aged Persons Amendment Act LINK
1994 044 Aged-person Amendment Act LINK
1936 011 Blind Persons Act LINK
1962 039 Blind Persons Act LINK
1968 026 Blind Persons Act LINK
1946 024 Blind Persons Amendment Act LINK
1951 017 Blind Persons Amendment Act LINK
1960 046 Blind Persons Amendment Act LINK
1971 016 Blind Persons Amendment Act LINK
2003 013 Bophuthatswana National Provident Fund Act Repeal Act LINK
1995 026 Bophuthatswana National Provident Fund Amendment Act LINK
1968 015 Cape Pension Laws Revision Act LINK
1942 011 Cape Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1993 197 Closed Pension Fund Act LINK
1999 041 Closed Pension Fund Amendment Act LINK
1983 047 Coloured Farmers Assistance Amendment Act LINK
1966 003 Community Development Act - (only s51B remains unrepealed in limited application) LINK
1965 044 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1967 042 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1968 058 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1969 058 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1970 074 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1971 068 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1972 093 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1975 019 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1977 126 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1978 019 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1980 012 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1982 026 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1983 064 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1986 048 Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1984 020 Community Development Amendment Act ("Criminal Procedure Amendment Act") LINK
1987 104 Community Welfare Act (House of Representatives) LINK
2011 005 Correctional Matters Amendment Act LINK
1998 111 Correctional Services Act LINK
1959 008 Correctional Services Act ("Prisons Act") LINK
1992 080 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
1993 068 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
1994 017 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
1996 014 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
1997 102 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
2001 032 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
2008 025 Correctional Services Amendment Act LINK
2021007Correctional Services Amendment Act, No. 7 of 2021LINK
2023014Correctional Services Amendment Act, No. 14 of 2023LINK
1991 122 Correctional Services and Supervision Matters Amendment Act LINK
2011 005 Correctional Matters Amendment Act, No. 5 of 2011 LINK
1993 135 Correctional Services Second Amendment Act LINK
1996 079 Correctional Services Second Amendment Act LINK
1993 173 Correctional Services Third Amendment Act LINK
1929 017 Defence Endowment Property and Account (Amendment) Act LINK
1922 033 Defence Endowment Property and Account Act LINK
1946 036 Disability Grants Act LINK
1962 041 Disability Grants Act LINK
1968 027 Disability Grants Act LINK
1947 031 Disability Grants Amendment Act LINK
1948 011 Disability Grants Amendment Act LINK
1954 049 Disability Grants Amendment Act LINK
1971 017 Disability Grants Amendment Act LINK
1990 100 Discriminatory Legislation Regarding Public Amenities Repeal Act LINK
1916 028 Drought and Flood Distress Relief Act LINK
1927 025 Drought and Flood Distress Relief Act LINK
1928 009 Drought Distress Relief (Amendment) Act LINK
1924 016 Drought Distress Relief Act LINK
2004 003 Drought Relief Adjustments Act LINK
1935 048 Farmers' Assistance Act LINK
1959 062 Farmers' Assistance Act Amendment Act LINK
1960 016 Farmers' Assistance Amendment Act LINK
1931 004 Farmers' Special Relief Act LINK
1934 055 Farmers' Special Relief Amendment Act LINK
1932 022 Flood Distress Relief Act LINK
2003 005 Food Relief Adjustments Appropriation Act LINK
1978 107 Fund-raising Act LINK
1980 041 Fund-raising Amendment Act LINK
1981 019 Fund-raising Amendment Act LINK
1983 082 Fund-raising Amendment Act LINK
1991 115 Fund-raising Amendment Act LINK
1994 043 Fund-raising Amendment Act LINK
2023011Fund-raising Amendment Act, No. 11 of 2023 . LINK
1981 092 Fund-raising Second Amendment Act LINK
1979 029 General Pensions Act LINK
2003 035 Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Act LINK
2004 021 Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Act LINK
1996 00A Government Employees Pensions Law Proclamation (published in Proclamation 19960419_17135_0000_0021_0000) LINK
2011 019 Government Employees Pensions Law Amendment Act LINK
1966 042 Government Non-White Employees Pensions Act LINK
1973 057 Government Service Pension Act LINK
1936 032 Government Service Pensions Act LINK
1955 058 Government Service Pensions Act LINK
1965 062 Government Service Pensions Act LINK
1946 032 Government Service Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1947 028 Government Service Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1941 018 Government Service Pensions Amendment Act  LINK
1914 022 Indians Relief Act LINK
1984 112 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Act LINK
1985 098 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1992 137 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1976 084 Military Pensions Act (see under "Financial and Insurance") LINK
1999 017 Military Veterans' Affairs Act  LINK
2011 018 Military Veterans Act LINK
1911 034 Miner's Phthisis Allowance Act LINK
1965 079 National Welfare Act LINK
1978 100 National Welfare Act LINK
1971 013 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1976 044 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1978 077 National Welfare Amendment Act LINK
1986 018 National Welfare Amendment Act (House of Representatives) LINK
1997 071 Nonprofit Organisations Act LINK
2000 071 Nonprofit Organisations Amendment Act LINK
1946 043 Old Age and Veterans' Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1931 034 Old Age Pensions (Amendment) Act LINK
1928 022 Old Age Pensions Act LINK
1962 038 Old Age Pensions Act LINK
1937 034 Old Age Pensions Amendment Act LINK
2006 013 Older Persons Act LINK
1997 087 Parole and Correctional Supervision Amendment Act LINK
1956024Pension Funds ActLINK
2024031Pension Funds Amendment Act, No. 31 of 2024 . LINK
1915 026 Persons on Active Service Relief Act LINK
1962 064 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Act LINK
1964 050 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1965 092 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1968 083 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1970 008 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1972 095 Pneumoconiosis Compensation Laws Amendment Act LINK
1967 048 Poor Relief and Charitable Institutions Ordinance (1919) Cape Amendment Act2 LINK
1973 038 Poor Relief and Charitable Institutions Ordinance, 1919 (Cape) Amendment Act LINK
1965 075 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1972 004 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1975 006 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1977 088 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1978 058 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1979 054 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1980 022 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1981 043 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1982 065 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1983 104 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1985 006 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1990 092 Prisons Amendment Act LINK
1911 013 Prisons and Reformatories Act LINK
1971 009 Prisons and Reformatories Act LINK
1920 046 Prisons and Reformatories Act Amendment Act LINK
1924 008 Prisons and Reformatories Act Further Amendment Act LINK
1935 026 Prisons and Reformatories Amendment Act LINK
1953 018 Prisons and Reformatories Amendment Act LINK
1955 011 Prisons and Reformatories Amendment Act LINK
1957 004 Prisons and Reformatories Amendment Act LINK
1991 116 Probation Services Act LINK
1986 098 Probation Services Act (House of Assembly) LINK
2002 035 Probation Services Amendment Act LINK
1969 014 Provincial and the Territory Service Pension Act LINK
2008 058 Provision of Land and Assistance Amendment Act, No. 58 of 2008 (see under "Property") LINK
1914 1 Public Welfare and Moratorium Act LINK
1917 037 Public Welfare and Moratorium Act Amendment Act LINK
1919 047 Public Welfare and Moratorium Acts Extension and Further Amendment Act LINK
1920 038 Public Welfare and Moratorium Acts Further Extension Act LINK
1936 027 Railways Pensioners Act LINK
1915 010 Removal of Disabilities (War and Rebellion) Act LINK
1926 049 Republican Officials' and Other Persons' Pensions Act LINK
1982 068 Second Community Development Amendment Act LINK
1970 086 Second Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1974 077 Second Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1978 105 Second Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1938 021 Second Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1948 046 Second Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1958 047 Second Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1983 111 Second Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
2003 014 Sefalana Employee Benefit Organisation Act Repeal Act LINK
1989 037 Social Aid (House of Assembly) Act LINK
1985 068 Social and Associated Workers Amendment Act LINK
1992 059 Social Assistance Act LINK
2004 013 Social Assistance Act LINK
1994 045 Social Assistance Amendment Act LINK
2008 006 Social Assistance Amendment Act LINK
2010 005 Social Assistance Amendment Act LINK
2020016Social Assistance Amendment Act, No. 16 of 2020LINK
2002 002 Social Grants Appropriation Act LINK
1973 037 Social Pensions Act LINK
1978 110 Social Service Professions Act ("Social Work Act") 5
1989 048 Social Work Amendment Act LINK
1993 022 Social Work Amendment Act LINK
1995 052 Social Work Amendment Act LINK
1998 102 Social Work Amendment Act LINK
1941 002 Special Pension Act* LINK
1996 069 Special Pensions Act LINK
1998 075 Special Pensions Amendment Act LINK
2003 021 Special Pensions Amendment Act LINK
2003 030 Special Pensions Amendment Act LINK
2008 013 Special Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1923 010 Statutory Pensions Protection Act LINK
1962 021 Statutory Pensions Protection Act LINK
1979 075 Temporary Employees Pension Fund LINK
1958 012 United Municipal Executive (Pensions) Act LINK
1941 045 War Pensions Act LINK
1942 044 War Pensions Act LINK
1967 082 War Pensions Act LINK
1946 058 War Pensions Laws Amendment Act LINK
1947 017 War Pensions Laws Amendment Act LINK
1916 029 War Special Pensions Act LINK
1917 043 War Special Pensions Act LINK
1919 042 War Special Pensions Act LINK
1962 035 War Special Pensions Act LINK
1918 025 War Special Pensions Act Amendment Act LINK
1920 041 War Special Pensions Act Amendment Act LINK
1961 054 War Special Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1962 040 War Veterans' Pensions Act LINK
1968 025 War Veterans' Pensions Act LINK
1971 015 War Veterans' Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1996 106 Welfare Laws Amendment Act LINK
1997 106 Welfare Laws Amendment Act LINK
1947 040 Welfare Organizations Act LINK
1949 003 Welfare Organizations Amendment Act LINK
1961 075 Welfare Organizations Amendment Act LINK

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2021