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Financial and Insurace

This is UNCERTIFIED information. For authentic information please refer to information that has been certified as correct. In case of any mistake, please advise us. Where Acts are marked as amended or repealed, please note any transitional and commencement provisions which may affect the implementation or commencement of the amendment or the repeal. If you would like any LINK activated, please contact us regarding subscriptions.

1926 040 Agricultural Credit Act LINK
1966 028 Agricultural Credit Act LINK
1987 051 Agricultural Credit Amendment (House of Assembly) Act LINK
1968 045 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1970 066 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1971 010 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1972 015 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1977 081 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1979 067 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1980 027 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1981 073 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1982 018 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1983 042 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1993 053 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
1995 065 Agricultural Credit Amendment Act LINK
2001 045 Agricultural Debt Management Act LINK
2002 049 Agricultural Debt Management Amendment Act LINK
2008 015 Agricultural Debt Management Repeal Act LINK
1963 041 Associated Institutions Pension Fund Act LINK
1971 011 Associated Institutions Provident Fund Act LINK
1992 122 Audit Arrangements Act LINK
1995 053 Audit Matters Rationalisation Amendment Act LINK
1942 038 Banking Act LINK
1944 034 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1947 025 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1951 041 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1955 040 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1959 040 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1961 006 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1964 061 Banking Amendment Act LINK
1946 025 Banking Institutions Act LINK
1989 013 Banking Institutions, Mutual Building Societies and Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1917 007 Banks Act LINK
1965 023 Banks Act LINK
1990 094 Banks Act [..was entitled "Deposit-taking Institutions Act"] LINK
1994 026 Banks Amendment Act LINK
1996 055 Banks Amendment Act LINK
2000 036 Banks Amendment Act LINK
2007 020 Banks Amendment Act LINK
2015 003 Banks Amendment Act LINK
2013 022 Banks Management Act LINK
1913 030 Bills of Exchange (Non-Business Days) Act LINK
1919 023 Bills of Exchange (Time of Noting) Act LINK
1921 008 Bills of Exchange (Time of Noting) Act Amendment Act LINK
1964 034 Bills of Exchange Act LINK
1943 025 Bills of Exchange Amendment Act LINK
1977 058 Bills of Exchange Amendment Act LINK
2000 056 Bills of Exchange Amendment Act LINK
1971 006 Black Authorities' Service Pensions Act LINK
1935 019 Building Societies (Amendment) Act LINK
1941 039 Building Societies (Amendment) Act LINK
1942 024 Building Societies (Amendment) Act LINK
1935 040 Building Societies (Temporary Registration) Act LINK
1934 062 Building Societies Act LINK
1986 082 Building Societies Act LINK
1937 056 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1943 028 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1946 033 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1955 028 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1960 047 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1961 077 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1963 069 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1964 062 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1968 064 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1969 091 Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1941 035 Cape Mortgage Bonds Validation Act LINK
2007 040 Co-operative Banks Act, No. 40 of 2007 LINK
2002 045 Collective Investment Schemes Control Act LINK
1972 056 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Act LINK
1974 022 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1976 087 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1980 023 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1982 002 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1983 004 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1978 069 Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act  LINK
1914 004 Currency Act LINK
1930 026 Currency and Banking (Further Amendment) Act LINK
1920 031 Currency and Banking Act LINK
1923 022 Currency and Banking Act Amendment Act LINK
1933 009 Currency and Exchanges Act LINK
1987 023 Currency and Exchanges Amendment Act LINK
1988 048 Currency and Exchanges Amendment Act LINK
1996 023 Currency and Exchanges Amendment Act LINK
1992 085 Custody and Administration of Securities Act ("Safe Deposit of Securities Act") LINK
1998 114 Debt Collectors Act LINK
1998 050 Demutualisation Levy Act LINK
1991 081 Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1992 042 Deposit-Taking Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1993 009 Deposit-taking Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1989 026 Disclosure of Foreign Funding Act LINK
2002 034 Export Credit and Foreign Investments Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1957 078 Export Credit and Foreign Investments Re-insurance Act LINK
1988 027 Export Credit and Foreign Investments Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
2001 009 Export Credit and Foreign Investments Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
1961 066 Export Credit Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
1962 088 Export Credit Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
1971 075 Export Credit Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
1981 081 Export Credit Re-insurance Amendment Act LINK
1990095Extension of the Powers of the South African Reserve Bank Act, No. 95 of 1990LINK
1934 063 Farm Mortgage Interest (Amendment) Act LINK
1935 052 Farm Mortgage Interest (Amendment) Act LINK
1933 034 Farm Mortgage Interest Act LINK
1936 020 Farm Mortgage Interest Act Extension Act LINK
1939 024 Farm Mortgage Interest Amendment Act LINK
1943 008 Farm Mortgage Interest Amendment Act LINK
Finance Acts - See under Fiscal, Revenue...]
Financial Adjustment Acts - See under Fiscal, Revenue...]
2002 037 Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act [FAIS] LINK
1964 056 Financial Institutions (Investment of Funds) Act LINK
1984 039 Financial Institutions (Investment of Funds) Act LINK
2001 028 Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act LINK
1967 099 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1968 065 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1969 080 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1970 023 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1972 091 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1973 067 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1976 101 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1977 094 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1978 080 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1979 103 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1980 099 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1981 036 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1982 082 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1984 086 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1985 106 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1986 050 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1987 006 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1988 051 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1989 053 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1990 064 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1991 054 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1992 083 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1993 007 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1997 022 Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1989 054 Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act LINK
1991 119 Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act LINK
1993 104 Financial Institutions Second Amendment Act LINK
2001 038 Financial Intelligence Centre Act LINK
2008 011 Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act LINK
2017001Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act, No. 1 of 2017
2014 034 Financial Management of Parliament Amendment Act, No. 34 of 2014 LINK
2012 019 Financial Markets Act LINK
1989 055 Financial Markets Control Act LINK
1995 055 Financial Markets Control Amendment Act LINK
1996 073 Financial Markets Control Amendment Act LINK
1998 013 Financial Markets Control Amendment Act LINK
1999 040 Financial Markets Control Amendment Act LINK
1991 062 Financial Matters Amendment Act, No. 62 of 1991 LINK
2019018Financial Matters Amendment Act, No. 18 of 2019LINK
1965058Financial Relations Further Amendment ActLINK
2022011Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies Act, No. 11 of 2022 . LINK
2022012Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies (Administration) and Deposit Insurance premiums Act, No. 12 of 2022 . LINK
2017009Financial Sector Regulation Act, No. 9 of 2017LINK
1990097Financial Services Board Act, No. 97 of 1990 [...repealed by Act 2017_009_290_20170822 Sch4]LINK
2008 022 Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act LINK
2013 045 Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act LINK
2004 037 Financial Services Ombud Schemes Act [...repealed by Act 2017_009_290_20170822 Sch4] LINK
1993 008 Financial Supervision of the Road Accident Fund Act ("Financial Supervision of Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act") LINK
2008 043 Government Employees Pension Fund (Condonation of Interrupted Service) Act, No. 43 of 2008 LINK
1942 036 Hire-Purchase Act LINK
1954 046 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
1957 014 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
1959 050 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
1965 030 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
1970 079 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
1972 073 Hire-Purchase Amendment Act LINK
2000 063 Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act LINK
1998 054 Inherited Debt Relief Act LINK
1962 068 Inspection of Financial Institutions Act LINK
1984 038 Inspection of Financial Institutions Act LINK
1998 080 Inspection of Financial Institutions Act LINK
1945 019 Insurance (Amendment) Act LINK
1951 073 Insurance (Amendment) Act LINK
1923 037 Insurance Act LINK
1943 027 Insurance Act (extent of repeal unknown) LINK
2017018Insurance Act, No. 18 of 2017LINK
1959 079 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1965 010 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1966 041 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1969 039 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1996 054 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1997 031 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1998 049 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
2008 027 Insurance Laws Amendment Act LINK
1998 051 Insurance Second Amendment Act LINK
1940 035 Life Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1968 073 Limitation and Disclosure of Finance Charges Act ("Usury Act") LINK
1970 076 Limitation and Disclosure of Finance Charges Amendment Act LINK
1974 062 Limitation and Disclosure of Finance Charges Amendment Act LINK
1980 090 Limitation and Disclosure of Finance Charges Amendment Act LINK
1986 042 Limitation and Disclosure of Finance Charges Amendment Act LINK
1998 052 Long-term Insurance Act LINK
1906 000 Marine Insurance Act LINK
1967 072 Medical Schemes Act LINK
1969 095 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1972 049 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1975 043 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1978 051 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1980 042 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1981 072 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1984 059 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1993 023 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
2001 055 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
2002 062 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1974 010 Membership of the Parliamentary Medical Scheme Act LINK
1976 084 Military Pensions Act LINK
1993 124 Mutual Banks Act LINK
1994 025 Mutual Banks Amendment Act LINK
1999 054 Mutual Banks Amendment Act LINK
1965 024 Mutual Building Societies Act ("Building Societies"?) LINK
1986 081 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1990 096 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1993 006 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
2005 034 National Credit Act LINK
2014 019 National Credit Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2014 LINK
2019007National Credit Amendment Act, No. 7 of 2019** [NOTE: Withdraws and substitutes Act 2019_007_000_20190819_42649_1081]LINK
2024020National Health Insuirance Act, No. 20 of 2023 . LINK
2012 024 Credit Rating Services Act, No. 24 of 2012 LINK
1970 081 National War Fund Act LINK
1972 040 National War Fund Amendment Act LINK
1937 057 Notarial Bonds (Natal) 1932, Amendment Act LINK
1932 018 Notarial Bonds (Natal) Act LINK
1975 028 Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Act LINK
1976 061 Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1984 107 Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1987 021 Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1996 008 Parliamentary and Provincial Medical Aid Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1974 082 Parliamentary Medical Aid Scheme Act LINK
1964 048 Participation Bonds Act LINK
1981 055 Participation Bonds Act LINK
1967 098 Participation Bonds Amendment Act LINK
1956 024 Pension Funds Act LINK
1996 022 Pension Funds Amendment Act LINK
1997 094 Pension Funds Amendment Act LINK
2001 065 Pension Funds Amendment Act LINK
2007 011 Pension Funds Amendment Act LINK
1943 033 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1944 048 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1948 041 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1949 035 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1951 047 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1952 049 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1953 044 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1954 052 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1955 041 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1956 056 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1957 062 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1959 067 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1960 061 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1961 078 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1962 092 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1963 095 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1964 084 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1965 102 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1966 026 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1967 091 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1968 079 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1969 098 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1970 020 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1972 097 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1973 073 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1974 015 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1975 050 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1976 083 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1977 026 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1978 040 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1979 100 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1980 097 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1981 067 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1982 081 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1983 096 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1984 123 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1987 088 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1988 089 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1989 079 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1990 117 Pension Laws Amendment Act LINK
1971 093 Pension Laws Amendment Act  LINK
1926 042 Pensions (Second Supplementary) Act LINK
1947 047 Pensions (Supplementary) LINK
1913 036 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1914 037 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1915 025 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1916 045 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1917 040 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1918 027 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1919 044 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1920 039 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1921 037 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1922 039 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1923 033 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1924 037 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1925 044 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1926 041 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1927 032 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1928 020 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1929 028 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1930 033 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1931 033 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1932 030 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1933 024 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1934 065 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1935 054 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1936 026 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1937 049 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1938 007 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1939 040 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1940 028 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1941 032 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1942 043 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1943 032 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1944 043 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1945 042 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1946 056 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1949 046 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1950 032 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1951 048 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1952 057 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1953 046 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1954 053 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1955 066 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1956 067 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1957 080 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1958 015 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1959 068 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1960 067 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1961 065 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1962 082 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1963 094 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1964 083 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1965 100 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1966 060 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1967 093 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1968 084 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1969 100 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1970 095 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1971 094 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1972 098 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1973 075 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1974 078 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1975 068 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1976 096 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1977 116 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1978 106 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1980 093 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1981 115 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1982 106 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1983 097 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1984 124 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1985 100 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1986 109 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1987 089 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1989 032 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1990 118 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1991 133 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1992 138 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
2003 008 Pensions (Supplementary) Act LINK
1979 106 Pensions (Supplementary) Act  LINK
1986 102 Pensions (Supplementary) Act (House of Assembly) LINK
1985 105 Pensions and Related Matters Amendment Act LINK
2001 039 Pensions Fund Second Amendment Act LINK
1986 106 Pensions Laws Amendment Act LINK
1989 086 Pensions Second (Supplementary) Act LINK
2003 039 Pensions Second (Supplementary) Act  LINK
1993 128 Pensions Supplementary Act LINK
1975 055 Prescribed Rate of Interest Act LINK
1997 007 Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Act LINK
2015 022 Protection of Investment Act, No. 22 of 2015 LINK
1989 056 Reinsurance of Damage and Losses Act LINK
1990 065 Reinsurance of Damage and Losses Amendment Act LINK
1996 056 Road Accident Fund Act LINK
2001 015 Road Accident Fund Amendment Act LINK
2002 043 Road Accident Fund Amendment Act ("Road Accidents Fund Amendment Act') LINK
2005 019 Road Accident Fund Amendment Act LINK
2000 018 Road Accident Fund Commission Amendment Act LINK
2012 015 Road Accident Fund (Transitional Provisions) Act LINK
1996 070 Safe Deposit of Securities Amendment Act LINK
1932 006 Savings Bank Societies Borrowing Powers Act LINK
1948 049 Second Finance Act LINK
1966 058 Second Finance Act LINK
1970 097 Second Finance Act LINK
1980 100 Second Finance Act LINK
1985 088 Second Finance Act LINK
1993 184 Second Finance Act LINK
1970 075 Second Financial Institutions Amendment Act LINK
1971 077 Second Financial Relations Amendment Act LINK
1976 108 Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1977 118 Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1979 097 Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1981 113 Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1982 089 Second Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
2004 036 Securities Services Act [...repealed by Act 2012_019_000] LINK
2007 025 Securities Transfer Tax Act LINK
2007 026 Securities Transfer Tax Administration Act LINK
1965 069 Securities' Transfer Act LINK
1998 053 Short-term Insurance Act LINK
1996 032 Supervision of Financial Institutions Rationalisation Act LINK
1989 014 Transfer of the South African Railways Police Force to the South African Police Amendment Act LINK
1913 006 Trustee Investment in Union Government Securities Act LINK
1957 017 Trustee Investment in Union Government Securities Act LINK
1998 031 Uncertificated Securities Tax Act LINK
1937 025 Unemployment Benefit Act LINK
1942 017 Unemployment Benefit Amendment Act LINK
1946 053 Unemployment Insurance Act LINK
1966 030 Unemployment Insurance Act LINK
1949 041 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1952 048 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1954 010 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1957 009 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1959 076 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1960 063 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1961 013 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1962 060 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1965 037 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1967 027 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1968 087 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1974 012 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1975 051 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1978 006 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1979 009 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1987 036 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1992 130 Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act LINK
2016010Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act, No. 10 of 2016LINK
1947 018 Unit Trusts Control Act LINK
1981 054 Unit Trusts Control Act LINK
1962 011 Unit Trusts Control Amendment Act LINK
1963 065 Unit Trusts Control Amendment Act LINK
1998 012 Unit Trusts Control Amendment Act LINK
1996 053 Units Trust Control Amendment Act LINK
1941 021 War Damage Insurance Act  LINK
1942 025 War Damage Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1976 085 War Damage Insurance and Compensation Act LINK
1917 013 Workmen's Compensation (Industrial Diseases) Act LINK
1941 030 Workmen's Compensation Act  LINK
1949 036 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1951 005 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1956 051 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1961 007 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1967 058 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
1974 011 Workmen's Compensation Amendment Act LINK
2003 019 Banks Amendment Act LINK
2003 017 Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1998 131 Medical Schemes Act LINK
1998 071 Road Accident Fund Commission Act LINK
1998 038 Safe Deposit of Securities Amendment Act LINK


Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2019