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South Africa

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This is UNCERTIFIED information. For authentic information please refer to information that has been certified as correct. In case of any mistake, please advise us. Where Acts are marked as amended or repealed, please note any transitional and commencement provisions which may affect the implementation or commencement of the amendment or the repeal. If you would like any LINK activated, please contact us regarding subscriptions.

1983 006 Machinery and Occupational Safety Act LINK
1989 040 Machinery and Occupational Safety Amendment Act LINK
1991 097 Machinery and Occupational Safety Amendment Act LINK
1913 012 Maclear and Elliot Districts Further Provision Act LINK
2008 052 Mandating Procedures of Provinces Act LINK
1932 013 Mafeking Waterworks (Private) Act LINK
1967 073 Mafeking Waterworks (Private) Amendment Act LINK
1993 090 Magistrates Act LINK
1996 035 Magistrates Amendment Act LINK
1998 066 Magistrates Amendment Act LINK
1944 032 Magistrates' Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944 (NOTE referred to in Act 1979_053_000_19930720 (as amended by Act 1993_120_074_19930720 Sch Item(c)) as "Lower Courts Act, No. 32 of 1944") .  LINK
1932 017 Magistrates' Courts (Amendment) Act LINK
1923 009 Magistrates' Courts 1917, Further Amendment Act LINK
1921 013 Magistrates' Courts Act Amendment Act LINK
1985 019 Magistrate's Courts Amendment Act, No. 19 of 1985 LINK
1917 032 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 32 of 1917 LINK
1952 040 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 40 of 1952 LINK
1954 014 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 14 of 1954 LINK
1963 019 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 19 of 1963 LINK
1965 048 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 48 of 1965 LINK
1967 008 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 8 of 1967 LINK
1969 017 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 17 of 1969 LINK
1970 053 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 53 of 1976 LINK
1976 063 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 63 of \ LINK
1981 028 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 28 of 1981 LINK
1982 059 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 59 of 1982 LINK
1984 056 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 56 of 1984 LINK
1987 025 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 25 of 1987 LINK
1991 118 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 118 of 1991 LINK
1993 120 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 120 of 1993 LINK
1997 081 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 81 of 1997 LINK
1998 067 Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, No. 67 of 1998 LINK
2010 019 Magistrates' Court Amendment Act, No. 19 of 2010 LINK
1997 080 Magistrates' Courts Second Amendment Act, No. 80 of 1997 LINK
1963 023 Maintenance Act, No. 23 of 1963 LINK
1998 099 Maintenance Act, No. 99 of 1998 LINK
1967 019 Maintenance Amendment Act, No. 19 of 1967 LINK
1970 039 Maintenance Amendment Act, No. 39 of 1970 LINK
1991 002 Maintenance Amendment Act, No. 2 of 1991 LINK
2015 009 Maintenance Amendment Act, No. 9 of 2015 LINK
1979 096 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Act, No. 96 of 1979 LINK
1980 058 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 58 of 1980 LINK
1983 062 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 62 of 1983 LINK
1985 012 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 12 of 1985 LINK
1986 005 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 5 of 1986 LINK
1987 096 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 96 of 1987 LINK
1990 088 Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Amendment Act, No. 88 of 1990 LINK
1990 027Maintenance of Surviving Spouse Act, No. 27 of 1990 . LINK
1923 015 Maintenance Orders Act, No. 15 of 1923 LINK
1935 022 Malmesbury Board of Executors and Trust and Fire Assurance Company (Amendment) (Private) Act, No. 22 of 1935 LINK
1992 128 Management of State Forests Act, No. 128 of 1992 LINK
1981 056 Manpower Training Act  LINK
1982 088 Manpower Training Amendment Act LINK
1983 001 Manpower Training Amendment Act LINK
1990 039 Manpower Training Amendment Act LINK
1993 187 Manufacturing Development Act, No. 187 of 1993 [...was entited "Regional Industrial Development Act"] LINK
1937 019 Mapochs Gronden Amendment Act LINK
1916 040 Mapochs Gronden Water and Commonage Act LINK
1923 014 Mapochs Gronden Water and Commonage Act Amendment Act LINK
1954 042 Mapochsgronde Irrigation Scheme Act (also referred to as the "Mapochs gronden Irrigation Scheme Act")  LINK
1927 043 Marburg Immigration Settlement (Local Board of Management) 1927 LINK
1971 050 Marburg Immigration Settlement Regulation Act LINK
1932 010 Marico-Bosveld Irrigation Scheme Act LINK
1960 059 Marico-Bosveld Irrigation Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1906 000 Marine Insurance Act LINK
1998 018 Marine Living Resources Act LINK
2000 068 Marine Living Resources Amendment Act LINK
2014 005 Marine Living Resources Amendment Act, No. 5 of 2014 LINK
1981 006 Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, No. 6 of 1981 [...was entitled "Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil Act"] LINK
1987 064 Marine Pollution (Intervention) Act, No. 64 of 1987 [...Title amended by Act 1997_023_056_19970718 - was entitled "International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties Act, 1987"] LINK
1986 002 Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act, No. 2 of 1986 [...Title amended by Act 1996_066_007_19961108 - was entitled "International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act"] LINK
2018 016 Marine Spatial Planning Act, No. 16 of 2018 LINK
1981 002 Marine Traffic Act LINK
1983 005 Marine Traffic Amendment Act LINK
1993 038 Marine Traffic Amendment Act LINK
1994 015 Maritime Zones Act LINK
1948 032 Marketable Securities Tax Act LINK
1937 026 Marketing Act LINK
1968 059 Marketing Act LINK
1938 019 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1946 050 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1951 045 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1961 034 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1962 047 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1963 057 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1964 066 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1965 060 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1967 030 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1969 052 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1970 069 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1971 078 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1972 068 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1973 031 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1974 073 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1975 038 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1976 050 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1977 109 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1980 006 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1984 066 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1987 079 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1992 011 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1993 188 Marketing Amendment Act LINK
1941 012 Marketing Amendment Act  LINK
1996 047 Marketing of Agricultural Products Act LINK
1997 059 Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act LINK
2001 052 Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Act LINK
1961 025 Marriage Act LINK
1997 050 Marriage Act, Extension Act LINK
1964 011 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1968 019 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1970 051 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1972 026 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1973 012 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1981 045 Marriage Amendment Act LINK
1988 003 Marriage and Matrimonial Property Law Amendment Act LINK
1921 017 Marriage Law Amendment Act LINK
1935 008 Marriage Law Amendment Act LINK
1913 020 Marriage Laws Amendment Act LINK
1916 043 Marriage Officers Act LINK
1954 025 Marriage Officers Amendment Act LINK
1919 004 Marriage Registers and Certificates Act LINK
1986 041 Marriages, Births and Deaths Amendment Act LINK
1926 026 Masters and Servants Law (Transvaal and Natal) Amendment Act LINK
1914 013 Matches Duty Act LINK
1920 030 Matriculation Exemption Act LINK
1960 009 Matriculation Exemption Act LINK
1953 037 Matrimonial Affairs Act LINK
1966 013 Matrimonial Affairs Amendment Act LINK
1976 013 Matrimonial Affairs Amendment Act LINK
1939 022 Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction Act LINK
1945 035 Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction Act LINK
1943 017 Matrimonial Causes Jurisdiction Amendment Act LINK
1984 088 Matrimonial Property Act LINK
1986 091 Matrimonial Property Amendment Act LINK
1986 053 Matters Concerning Admission to and Residence in the Republic Amendment Act LINK
1932 023 Mealie Control (Amendment) Act LINK
1931 039 Mealie Control Act LINK
1935 059 Mealie Control Amendment Act LINK
1937 048 Mealie Control Amendment Act LINK
2006 018 Measurement Units and Measuring Standards Act LINK
1973 076 Measuring Units and National Measuring Standards Act LINK
1998 024 Measuring Units and National Measuring Standards Amendment Act LINK
2000 040 Meat Safety Act LINK
1932 029 Meat Trade Control Act LINK
2002 014 Media Development and Diversity Agency Act LINK
1987 024 Mediation in Certain Divorce Matters Act LINK
1991 121 Mediation in Certain Divorce Matters Amendment Act (Certain Divorce Matters) LINK
1919 021 Medical Practitioners and Dentists Registration Amendment Act LINK
1967 072 Medical Schemes Act LINK
1998 131 Medical Schemes Act LINK
1969 095 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1972 049 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1975 043 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1978 051 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1980 042 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1981 072 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1984 059 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1993 023 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
2001 055 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
2002 062 Medical Schemes Amendment Act LINK
1997 025 Medical University of Southern Africa (Private) Amendment Act LINK
1976 078 Medical University of Southern Africa Act LINK
1928 013 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Act LINK
1944 041 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Act Amendment Act LINK
1935 002 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1937 005 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1946 014 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1950 013 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1951 023 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1954 029 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1957 011 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1961 069 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1962 034 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1969 044 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1971 043 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1973 016 Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Amendment Act LINK
1974 056 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act, No. 56 of 1974 [...see "Health Professions Act,  No. 56 of 1974] LINK
1976 033 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1978 052 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1980 043 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1981 066 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1982 038 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1984 058 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1990 079 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1992 058 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1995 018 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1997 089 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1998 001 Medical, Dental and Supplementary Health Service Professions Amendment Act LINK
1965 101 Medicines and Related Substances Act ("Drugs Control Act") LINK
2002 059 Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act LINK
2008 072 Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act LINK
2015 014 Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act LINK
1976 019 Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act LINK
1979 017 Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act LINK
1981 020 Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act LINK
1991 094 Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act LINK
1997 090 Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act LINK
1948 025 Members of Parliament Act LINK
1953 010 Members of Parliament Act LINK
1984 112 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Act LINK
1985 098 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1992 137 Members of Parliament and Political Office-bearers Pension Scheme Amendment Act LINK
1969 094 Members of Statutory Bodies Pension Act LINK
1974 079 Members of the Coloured Persons Representative Council Pensions Act LINK
1981 107 Members of the Coloured Persons Representative Council Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1974 086 Members of the South African Indian Council Pensions Act LINK
1981 108 Members of the South African Indian Council Pensions Amendment Act LINK
1974 010 Membership of the Parliamentary Medical Scheme Act LINK
1916 038 Mental Disorders Act LINK
1944 007 Mental Disorders Amendment Act LINK
1946 013 Mental Disorders Amendment Act LINK
1957 037 Mental Disorders Amendment Act LINK
1961 014 Mental Disorders Amendment Act LINK
1963 078 Mental Disorders Amendment Act LINK
1970 032 Mental Disorders Amendment Act  LINK
1973 018 Mental Health Act [...repealed by Act 2014_012_002_20140528] LINK
1976 048 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1978 010 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1981 038 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1984 003 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1985 016 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1987 055 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1988 052 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
1992 019 Mental Health Amendment Act LINK
2002 017 Mental Health Care Act LINK
2014 012 Mental Health Care Amendment Act LINK
1990 108 Mentally Ill Persons' Legal Interests Amendment Act LINK
1974 063 Mentally Retarded Children's Training Act LINK
1941 017 Merchandise Marks Act LINK
1946 003 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1951 026 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1952 039 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1954 047 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1967 055 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1987 054 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
2001 050 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
2002 061 Merchandise Marks Amendment Act LINK
1925 045 Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency) Act LINK
1934 042 Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency) Amendment Act LINK
1957 048 Merchant Shipping (Certificates of Competency) Amendment Act LINK
2013 025 Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability Convention) Act, No. 25 of 2013 LINK
2013 024 Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Act, No. 24 of 2013 LINK
2013 036 Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Contributions Act, No. 36 of 2013 LINK
2013 035 Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Administration Act, No. 35 of 2013 LINK
1985 011 Merchant Shipping (Safe Containers Convention) Act LINK
1929 016 Merchant Shipping Act LINK
1951 057 Merchant Shipping Act LINK
1959 030 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1963 040 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1965 013 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1969 042 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1974 024 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1976 005 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1977 070 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1978 062 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1981 003 Merchant shipping Amendment Act LINK
1982 003 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1985 025 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1989 003 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
1992 018 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act LINK
2015 012 Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, No. 12 of 2015 LINK
1919 024 Messina Railway Amendment Act LINK
1921 027 Messina Railway Further Amendment Act LINK
1942 028 Messina-Limpopo Railway (Supplementary Agreement) Act LINK
1932 012 Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Private) Act, 12 of 1932 [...see "The Methodist Church...] LINK
1978 111 Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Private) Act, No. 111 of 1978 [...see "The Methodist Church...] LINK
2008 045 Methodist Church of Southern Africa (Private) Act Repeal Act, No. 45 of 2008 LINK
1990 090 Mier Rural Area Act (House of Representatives) [...repealed by Act 1998_094_010_19981102 Sch] LINK
1999 016 Military Discipline Supplementary Measures Act LINK
2012 004 Military Ombud Act LINK
1976 084 Military Pensions Act LINK
1945 002 Military Service Act LINK
1999 017 Military Veterans' Affairs Act LINK
2011 018 Military Veternas Act, No. 18 of 2011 LINK
1930 007 Milnerton Railway (Junction Alteration) Act LINK
1954 017 Milnerton Railway (Junction Alteration) Act LINK
1955 018 Mine Trading Amendment Act LINK
1941 020 Mine Trading Amendment Act  LINK
2008 074 Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act LINK
1996 029 Mine Health and Safety Act LINK
1997 072 Mine Health and Safety Amendment Act LINK
Mining Rights Amendment Act
1993 103 Mineral Amendment Act LINK
1994 047 Mineral and Energy Rationalisation Laws Act LINK
2002 028 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act LINK
2008 049 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Act LINK
2008 028 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act LINK
2008 029 Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act LINK
1934 036 Mineral Law Amendment Act LINK
1942 015 Mineral Law Amendment Act LINK
1975 010 Mineral Laws Supplementary Act LINK
1988 077 Mineral Laws Supplementary Act Amendment LINK
1981 023 Mineral Laws Supplementary Act Amendment Act LINK
1981 084 Mineral Technology Act LINK
1989 030 Mineral Technology Act LINK
1988 024 Mineral Technology Amendment Act LINK
1991 050 Minerals Act, No. 50 of 1991 .  LINK
2005 011 Minerals and Energy Laws Amendment Act, No. 11 of 2005 LINK
1912 019 Miners' Phthisis Act LINK
1916 044 Miners' Phthisis Act LINK
1919 040 Miners' Phthisis Act LINK
1914 029 Miners' Phthisis Act Amendment Act LINK
1924 035 Miners' Phthisis Act Amendment Act LINK
1917 044 Miners' Phthisis Acts Amendment Act LINK
1925 035 Miners' Phthisis Acts Consolidation Act LINK
1918 024 Miners' Phthisis Acts Further Amendment Act LINK
1930 038 Miners' Phthisis Acts Further Amendment Act LINK
1911 034 Miner's Phthisis Allowance Act LINK
1934 060 Miners' Phthisis Amendment Act LINK
1936 023 Miners' Phthisis Amendment Act LINK
1938 006 Miners' Phthisis Amendment Act LINK
1941 024 Miners' Phthisis Amendment Act  LINK
1931 022 Mines and Works (Amendment) Act LINK
1934 005 Mines and Works (Amendment) Act LINK
1991 013 Mines and Works (Amendment) Act* LINK
1926 025 Mines and Works 1911, Amendment Act LINK
1911 012 Mines and Works Act LINK
1956 027 Mines and Works Act LINK
1959 051 Mines and Works Amendment Act LINK
1965 091 Mines and Works Amendment Act LINK
1968 042 Mines and Works Amendment Act LINK
1971 040 Mines and Works Amendment Act LINK
1977 083 Mines and Works Amendment Act LINK
1987 038 Mines and Works Amendment Act  LINK
1991013Mines and Works Amendment Act, 13 of 1991 [... repealed by Act 1993_103_027_19930716]LINK
1964 046 Mines and Works and Explosives Amendment Act LINK
1972 047 Mines, Works and Minerals in South-West Africa Amendment Act LINK
1932 026 Mining Rights (South-West Africa) Act LINK
1967 020 Mining Rights Act  LINK
1976 047 Mining Rights Amendment Act LINK
1978 044 Mining Rights Amendment Act LINK
1981 086 Mining Rights Amendment Act LINK
1983 050 Mining Rights Amendment Act LINK
1988 073 Mining Rights Amendment Act LINK
1991 012 Mining Rights Amendment Act [... repealed by Act 1993_103_026_19930716]  LINK
1910 006 Mining Taxation Act LINK
1915 024 Mining Taxation Amendment Act LINK
1967 016 Mining Titles Registration Act LINK
1980 060 Mining Titles Registration Amendment Act LINK
1991 014 Mining Titles Registration Amendment Act LINK
2003 024 Mining Titles Registration Amendment Act LINK
2009 009 Money Bills and Related Matters Act, No. 9 of 2009 [... NOTE: Published as Act 2008_009 but listed as Act 2009_009] [... Title amended by Act 2018_013_016_20190117 - was entitled Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Amendment Act, No. 13 of 2018] LINK
2018 013 Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Amendment Act, No. 13 of 2018 LINK
1967 013 Monuments Amendment Act LINK
1954 037 Mooi River River District Adjustment Act LINK
1926 005 Mooi River Township Lands Act LINK
1960 051 Moratorium Act LINK
1962 053 Moratorium Act LINK
1963 025 Moratorium Act LINK
1969 004 Moratorium Amendment Act LINK
1977 027 Moratorium Amendment Act LINK
1978 048 Moratorium Amendment Act LINK
1924 028 Moroka Ward Land Relief Act LINK
1930 039 Motor Carrier Transportation Act LINK
1932 031 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1934 020 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1935 029 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1936 014 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1937 015 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1949 050 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1955 044 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1957 052 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1959 042 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1966 015 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1967 022 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1972 082 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1974 023 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1976 088 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act LINK
1941 015 Motor Carrier Transportation Amendment Act  LINK
1986 084 Motor Vehicle Accidents Act LINK
1942 029 Motor Vehicle Insurance (was Motor Vehicle Insurance) Act LINK
1952 027 Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1959 031 Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1964 060 Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1966 014 Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1969 030 Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment Act LINK
1966 046 Motor Vehicle Insurance Further Amendment Act LINK
1963 070 Mountain Catchment Areas Act LINK
1970 063 Mountain Catchment Areas Act LINK
1976 041 Mountain Catchment Areas Amendment Act LINK
1981 076 Mountain Catchment Areas Amendment Act LINK
1989 093 Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act LINK
1992 022 Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Amendment Act LINK
1988 021 Municipal Accountants Act LINK
1991 082 Municipal Consolidated Loans Fund Ordinance Amendment Act (Transvaal) (House of Assembly) LINK
2007 012 Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act, No. 12 of 2007 LINK
2024004Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Act, No. 4 of 2024 . LINK
1941 009 Municipal Lands (Muizenberg) Act LINK
1990 032 Municipal Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly) LINK
1991 046 Municipal Ordinance Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly) LINK
1991 131 Municipal Ordinance Second Amendment Act (Cape) (House of Assembly) LINK
1929 011 Murray Park (Private) Act [...repealed by Act 1992_139_034_19920716 Sch] LINK
1993 124 Mutual Banks Act LINK
1994 025 Mutual Banks Amendment Act LINK
1999 054 Mutual Banks Amendment Act LINK
1965 024 Mutual Building Societies Act ("Building Societies"?) LINK
1986 081 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1990 096 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK
1993 006 Mutual Building Societies Amendment Act LINK


Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2019