Each statement of a fundamental Rule of Law principle presuppose that there should be a set of practical actions undertaken in order to satisfy that principle.
Take, for instance, the principle that law should be known: This presupposes than law be made known, which in turn presupposes a method by which the law can made known and/or that there a is a method to get to know the law. A survey of methods currently used to make the law known or to obtain the law was undertaken, those methods were evaluated against the basic requirements of reason, rationality and logicality, audits common practice in relation to that method were carried out, and their efficacy in achieving the objective of making law known and available, in compliance with the fundamental rule of law principle that law is expected to be known was established.
The Set of Rule of Law Standards
The particular working subset of fundamental principles of the rule of law that have been utilised in the development of our Rule of Law Standards was drawn from the work of such as Bingham, Dicey, Raz, and even back to the Magna Carta and Aristotle.
The particular subset of fundamental rule of law principles that ended up being utilised to develop the Rule of Law Standards set comprises those that are most widely acknowledged and referred to, and for which reasonable, rational and logical methodology to satisfy those principles was easily discernible.
Determining Rule of Law Standards is a work in progress and please contact LegalB if you need further information or would like to contribute to their development and testing.