eROL Volunteers page

Welcome to eROL Volunteers!

Thanks for registering as an eROL Volunteer. We hope it is both interesting and career enhancing 🙂

Overview of the Volunteer Course Content

The Volunteer programme starts with two orientation Topics that Volunteers receive a link to by email. TOPIC 1 relates to how the Rule of Law is defined, and TOPIC 2 relates basic principles of the Rule of Law

This is followed by TOPICS 3 onwards, each of which focus on one specific basic principle of the Rule of Law, and on how it is operationalised in the course of making or implementing legislation, and the Standards to be met in doing so.

TOPICS 3 onwards offer Volunteers practical opportunity, within a mentored environment, to establish whether specific pieces of legislation, and their implementation, meet the eROL Standards that we have developed, as a way to evaluate whether they are or are not in compliance with the basic ROL Principle under focus.

Accessing eROL Volunteer material

TOPIC 1 – Defining the Rule of Law

TOPIC 2 – Principles of the Rule of Law (provided on completion of TOPIC 1

TOPIC 3 onwards – provided after completion of TOPIC 1 and TOPIC 2.

Contacting us

Email or call on 011 486 2978 or 071 068 7627