Author Archives: rita

Lets see.. what do we have in the Gazettes this week?

Government Gazettes offer a really good window into what our political appointees, government officials and public bodies have focused on and achieved, and what red tape citizens have had to deal with. So, what do last week’s Gazettes contain? The … Continue reading

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“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time–when the Unites States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are … Continue reading

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Summary of Gazettes issued the week ending Friday 2011/07/29

LegalB Home Summary of Gazettes issued during the week ending Friday, 29th July, 2011. NEED SPECIFIC DETAILS ABOUT ANY GAZETTE? CONTACT US… General comment: The following new Gazettes were made available to us by the Government Printing Works, Pretoria, by way … Continue reading

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The secret life of Acts

by Adv. Rita Felgate The Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000 (as amended by the new Act 7 of 2011) has secret aspect to its life, stretching from 5th July 2011  until around the week ending Friday … Continue reading

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Mind the gap

by Adv. Rita Felgate Frequently, a gap exists between the date printed on a Gazette and its date of publication, and/or its date of distribution. That gap is a dangerous gap because, often, into this gap fall such things as … Continue reading

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