Author Archives: rita

A new King?

The following notice appeared in Government Gazette No. 29537 dated 2007/01/19: “IN DEFENCE OF THE REALM OF THE ROYAL UNITED COMMONWORTH (SUPRANATIONAL) ROYAL ADVISORY: IN PEACE By legal right of First Claim, in accordance with relevant laws, conventions, diplomatic protocols, … Continue reading

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The Engrosser, the Magician…

What is an engrosser? An engrosser is one who creates amended versions of legislation, a task that is becoming more and more uncomfortable given the quality of text in South African legislation. Engrossing used to be a clerk’s job… The … Continue reading

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Power at the stroke of the Minister’s , not the President’s, pen…?

Its rare that South African legislation is commenced by the Minister rather than by the President. Some statistics Of the approximately 978 Acts promulgated 1994 to date, we identify only seven which allow the Minister, rather than the President, to … Continue reading

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