Author Archives: rita

At a glance: South African Gazettes 2009/01/16

One minute summary of notable notices in the Gazettes published this week… National Gazettes Statistics South Africa notice: Consumer Price Index – all items (Base 2000 = 100) – All expenditure groups November 2008: 165,4] Draft Amended Countervailing Regulations from … Continue reading

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At a glance: South African Gazettes issued 2009/01/09

National Gazette notices: Acts relevant to the Methodist Church, the setting up a South African Space Agency, and the State’s right to intellectual property of institutions it funds Commencements of amendments to the Legal Succession to the South African Transport … Continue reading

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Acts “as amended” vs Acts “in force”

At any moment, the letter of the law is as it stands, like a handful of sugar grains thrown into the air, frozen in time. In terms of section 81 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, … Continue reading

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Powerful stuff, exemptions…

The Private Security Regulation Act, No. 56 of 2001 gives the Minister of Safety and Security extremely wide powers, after consultation with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (“PSIRA”) and on notice in the Gazette, under s1(2) of the Act … Continue reading

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On rabbits caught in the headlights, and heroes in the shadows…

Like rabbits in the headlights, Eskom appears immobilized and paralyzed in the glare of their failure. The government, big business, and by their silence the majority and opposition parties, also seem paralyzed… Now is the time for heroes: For someone … Continue reading

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