Author Archives: rita

Summary of Gazettes issued the week ending Friday, 2011/04/01

LegalB Home Summary of Gazettes issued during the week ending 1 April, 2011. NEED SPECIFIC DETAILS ABOUT ANY GAZETTE? CONTACT US… General comment: The following new Gazettes were made available to us by the Government Printing Works, Pretoria, by way of … Continue reading

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What Nalei Pandor does when she becomes Acting President..

by Rita Felgate (Adv.) I see she dives into the role and takes the opportunity to bring various sections of the National Energy Act 34 of 2008 into force… Doesn’t she know “we’ve been having it” anyway? What does that … Continue reading

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The Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008

by Rita Felgate (Adv.) The media is full of the Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008’s imminent commencement… but maybe its a case of, as an advert currently being re-hashed says, “we’ve been having it” all along. Interested? You … Continue reading

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Summary of Gazettes issued the week ending Friday, 2011/03/25

LegalB Home Summary of Gazettes issued during the week ending 25 March, 2011. NEED SPECIFIC DETAILS ABOUT ANY GAZETTE? CONTACT US… General comment: The following new Gazettes were made available to us by the Government Printing Works, Pretoria, by way of … Continue reading

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The now not so new Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 still sits on the shelf…

by Rita Felgate (Adv.) In the mean time, the Companies Amendment Bill, 40B of 2010 (the “Bill”) is on a roiling boiling given its 11th March 2011 adoption by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, and the Department … Continue reading

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