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Judicial Matters Amendment Act,
No. 24 of 2015
NOTE: Assented to and published in English, with alternative copy in Afrikaans, except iro title/text/engrossments in the following sections: s8 to s11 (Afrikaans/Afrikaans/Zulu), s19 to s20(Afrikaans/Afrikaans/NSotho), and s21 to s22(Afrikaans/Afrikaans/Zulu)** Long title To amend the Magistrates’Courts Act, 1944, so as to further regulate the period of acting appointment of judicial officers; to amend the Criminal Procedure Act, 1955, so as to repeal an obsolete provision; to amend the Prescribed Rate of Interest Act 1975, so as to further regulate the calculation of interest on certain debts; to amend the Magistrates Act, 1993, so as to further regulate the pension benefits of a magistrate who is appointed to the office of judge; to amend the Judicial Service CommissionAct, 1994, so as to amend the position regarding accountability for the receipt and payment of money in respect of the administration and functioning of the Judicial Service Commission; to amend the Promotion ofAccess to Information Act, 2000, the Promotion ofAdministrative JusticeAct, 2000, and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000, so as to further provide for the training and designation of presiding officers for purposes of court proceedings as contemplated in these Acts; to amend the Judges’ Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act, 2001, so as to substitute references to the Director-General: Justice and Constitutional Development with references to the Secretary-General of the Office of the Chief Justice; to amend the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007, so as to further regulate reporting on the implementation and training programmes of the said Act; to amend the South African Judicial Education Institute Act, 2008, so as to amend the position regarding accountability for the receipt and payment of money in respect of the administration and functioning of the South African Judicial Education Institute; to amend the Child Justice Act, 2008, so as to further regulate reporting on the implementation of the said Act and to further regulate the expungement of records of certain convictions and diversion orders in respect of children; to amend the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2013, so as to further regulate protective measures for foreign victims of trafficking, and to further regulate matters in respect of which regulations can be made; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Table of contents
Legislation Text Access Point
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