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Airports Company Act, No. 44 of 1993

Long title

To provide for the establishment of a company and the transfer of the State’s shares in the company; to regulate certain activities at company airports; to provide for the appointment and disqualification of members of the Committee; to provide for the vacation of office of members of the Committee; to provide for the meetings of the Committee; to provide for the establishment of the Appeal Committee; to provide for the appointment and disqualification of members of the Appeal Committee; to provide for the vacation of office of members of the Appeal Committee; to provide for offences and penalties; and to provide for matters connected therewith [ . ]

[...substituted by Act 1998_002_020_19980317]
[... amended by Act 2020_017_011_20210304]

Table of contents

1.. Definitions
2. Establishment and classification of company [... Title amended by Act 2020_017_002(a)_20210304 - was entitled "Establishment of public company"]
3. Share capital of company [...Title amended by 1998_002_003(a)_19980317 - was entitled "Shares of company held by State"]
4. Objects of company
5. Functions of company
6. Transfer of aerodromes to company
7. Submission of business plan
8. Annual report
9. Sale of expropriated land
10. Minister may issue orders
11. Regulating Committee
11A. Appointment of members of Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
11B. Disqualification from membership [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
11C. Disclosure of interest [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
11D. Vacation of office and termination of appointment [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
11E. Meetins of Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
11F. Recusal from Committee meetings [... inserted by Act 2020_017_005_20210304]
12. Economic regulation of company
12A. Decisions of Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12B. Establishment of Appeal Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12C. Appointment and disqualification of members of Appeal Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12D. Remuneration of members of Appeal Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12E. Disclosure of interesst [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12F. Vacation of office and termination of appointment of members of Appeal Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12G. Appeals [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12H. Procedure for hearing of appeals [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
12I. Decisions of Appeal Committee [... inserted by Act 2020_017_007_20210304]
13. Sale or closure of aerodrome or curtailment of relevant activity
13A. Acquisition of airport [...inserted by Act 1998_002_014_19980317]
14. Failure of company to comply with provisions
14A. Offences and penalties [... inserted by Act 2020_017_009_20210304]
15. Regulations
16. Exproporation powers of company [...Title amended by Act 1998_002_017_19980317 - was entitled "Interpretation of Act 63 of 1975"]
17. ... [...repealed by Act 1998_002_018_19980317 - was entitled "Transitional provisions"]
18. ... [...repealed by Act 1998_002_018_19980317 - was entitled "Substitution of certain words in Act 51 of 1949"] 
19. Amendment of section 1 of Act 74 of 1962...
20. Repeal of sections 6, 6bis and 8 of Act 74 of 1962
21. Substitution of section 7 of Act 74 of 1962...
22. Substitution of section 9 of Act 74 of 1962...
23. Substitution of section 10 of Act 74 of 1962...
24. Amendment of section 15 of Act 74 of 1962...
25. Amendment of section 22 of Act 74 of 1962...
26. Substitution of certain words in Act 74 of 1962
27. Amendment of section 1 of Act 10 of 1972...
28. Amendment of section 2B of Act 10 of 1972...
29. Amendment of section 2J of Act 10 of 1972...
30. Amendment of section 2K of Act 10 of 1972...
31. Amendment of section 2L of Act 10 of 1972...
32. Amendment of section 2M of Act 10 of 1972...
33. Insertion of section 2N of Act 10 of 1972
34. Substitution of certain words in Act 10 of 1972
35. ... [...repealed by Act 2003_059_000_20040426 - was entitled "Amendment of section 3 of Act 27 of 1989..."]
36. Commencement of certain sections
37. Short title and commencement

Legislation Text Access Point

[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
Access Official Gazette PDF  Request Subscription Fee Subscriber Access
As unamended Act 1993_044_000_19930331 EXT.LINK REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1996_098_000_199631127 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1997_047_000_19971013 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 1998_002_000_19980317 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2001_014_000_20010718 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2003_059_000_20040426 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2020_017_000_20210304 .  N/A REQ.INFO LINK
As amended by Act 2024_006_000_20240611 . N/AREQ.INFOLINK
As amended by ... N/A REQ.INFO LINK

* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
* Unbolded grey text in square brackets is additional information provided by LegalB.
* "..." indicates further information not provided by LegalB for purpose of brevity
* An Asterisk indicates uncertainty regarding information, and a double asterisk indicates information must be read in the light of our relevant Commentary.

Copyright © Rita V. Felgate 2021