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Mining Rights Amendment Act, No. 86 of 1981

Long title

To amend the Mining Rights Act, 1967, so as to define "Director-General" and "source material"; to substitute metric measures for certain other measures for the purposes of that Act; to substitute or delete certain obsolete designations, words, expressions and provisions; to empower the Registrar of Mining Titles to refuse the registration of certain deeds of amendment or cession affecting the interests of the State; to make further provision regarding the information to be furnished to the Director of the Geological Survey and the mining commissioner in respect of certain boreholes; to provide that such information may under certain circumstances be published or disclosed to the general public; to increase certain rents and fees; to make further provision regarding the granting by the mining commissioner of permissions to use the surface of certain land for the purpose of a slimes dam or a cemetery for mine employees; to further regulate the payment of a surface rent in respect of certain surface rights for mining purposes and purposes incidental thereto; to authorize the Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs to delegate any power conferred upon him by that Act; and to effect certain textual improvements; and to enable the mining commissioner to oblige the holders of certain permissions to purchase the land which is by virtue of such permissions affected by the use of the surface thereof; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

Table of contents

1. Amendment of section 1 of Act 20 of 1967
2. Amendment of section 2 of Act 20 of 1967
3. Amendment of section 5 of Act 20 of 1967
4. Amendment of section 8 of Act 20 of 1967
5. Amendment of section 11 of Act 20 of 1967
6. Amendment of section 13 of Act 20 of 1967
7. Amendment of section 14 of Act 20 of 1967
8. Amendment of section 17 of Act 20 of 1967
9. Amendment of section 18 of Act 20 of 1967...
10. Amendment of section 19 of Act 20 of 1967
11. Amendment of section 20 of Act 20 of 1967
12. Amendment of section 25 of Act 20 of 1967
13. Amendment of section 26 of Act 20 of 1967
14. Amendment of section 27 of Act 20 of 1967
15. Amendment of section 32 of Act 20 of 1967
16. Amendment of section 33 of Act 20 of 1967
17. Amendment of section 34 of Act 20 of 1967
18. Amendment of section 35 of Act 20 of 1967
19. Amendment of section 36 of Act 20 of 1967
20. Amendment of section 38 of Act 20 of 1967
21. Amendment of section 40 of Act 20 of 1967
22. Amendment of section 41 of Act 20 of 1967
23. Amendment of section 42 of Act 20 of 1967
24. Amendment of section 43 of Act 20 of 1967
25. Amendment of section 44 of Act 20 of 1967
26. Amendment of section 45 of Act 20 of 1967
27. Amendment of section 46 of Act 20 of 1967
28. Amendment of section 47 of Act 20 of 1967
29. Amendment of section 49 of Act 20 of 1967
30. Amendment of section 70 of Act 20 of 1967
31. Amendment of section 77 of Act 20 of 1967
32. Amendment of section 78 of Act 20 of 1967
33. Amendment of section 90 of Act 20 of 1967
34. Insertion of section 90A of Act 20 of 1967
35. Amendment of section 92 of Act 20 of 1967
36. Amendment of section 93 of Act 20 of 1967
37. Amendment of section 96 of Act 20 of 1967
38. Amendment of section 99 of Act 20 of 1967
39. Amendment of section 105 of Act 20 of 1967
40. Amendment of section 112 of Act 20 of 1967
41. Amendment of section 121 of Act 20 of 1967
42. Amendment of section 123 of Act 20 of 1967
43. Amendment of section 127 of Act 20 of 1967
44. Amendment of section 129 of Act 20 of 1967
45. Amendment of section 132 of Act 20 of 1967
46. Amendment of section 134 of Act 20 of 1967
47. Amendment of section 143 of Act 20 of 1967
48. Amendment of section 144 of Act 20 of 1967
49. Amendment of section 145 of Act 20 of 1967
50. Amendment of section 161 of Act 20 of 1967
51. Amendment of section 162 of Act 20 of 1967
52. Amendment of section 165 of Act 20 of 1967
53. Amendment of section 167 of Act 20 of 1967
54. Amendment of section 168 of Act 20 of 1967
55. Amendment of section 173 of Act 20 of 1967
56. Amendment of section 175 of Act 20 of 1967
57. Amendment of section 185 of Act 20 of 1967
58. Obligatory purchase of land by holders of certain permissions
59. Short title
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[To check whether a version has commenced, and how it was commenced, please see the Timeline for the Act, and the Annotated Text for the version.]
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* LegalB refers to a "version" of an Act or its sections in the format "YYYY_NNN_SSS_YYYYMMDD", which refers to "YEAR OF ACT_ACT NUMBER_SECTION OF ACT_DATE OF GAZETTE", and where "DATE OF GAZETTE" refers to the "YEAR_MONTH_DAY" on the face of the Gazette in which either the Act was originally published or in which the amending, lapsing or repealing instrument was published. Where any segment of the reference string contains only zeros, it means that information is not relevant, not made available, or unavailable.
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