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Act, No. 102 of 1976
Long title To provide for the disposal of certain surplus State revenues; for the defraying of unauthorized expenditure from the State Revenue Fund; for guarantees by the Minister of Finance in respect of certain losses which may be sustained by the South African Reserve Bank consequent upon loans raised by a subsidiary company of the Armaments Development and Production Corporation of South Africa, Limited; for guarantees by the Minister of Economic Affairs in respect of certain loans and export credit granted to the South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation Limited, Sasol (Transvaal) Limited and SOF (Proprietary) Limited; for the realization of the assets of the South African National Memorial Fund and payment thereof into the State Revenue Account; for the write-off of a certain loan to the National Film Board; for the conversion of a certain loan liability of the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, Limited, into share capital; for the transfer of certain assets and rights of the Administration of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope to the South African Bantu Trust; for the validation of the payment of certain amounts from the Loan Account to the South African Bantu Trust; for the ex gratia payment of a certain amount in respect of the development and planning of certain land adjacent to Church Square, Pretoria; for the payment of certain moneys to the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; for the transferability and redemption of certain 4 per cent Inscribed Stock (pensions Stock); to authorize the Minister-of Finance to issue special warrants for the purpose of taking up shares issued by the Board of Directors of the South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Limited, and to make advances to the said Board; for the exemption from tax of housing benefits received by public servants, employees of local authorities and employees of certain State-aided institutions; to amend the Industrial Development Act, 1940, to provide for the payment of shares in the Industrial Development Corporation from moneys made available by the Minister of Economic Affairs in terms of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1975; to amend the South African Mint and Coinage Act, 1964, to provide for the introduction of a nickel Rand coin; to amend the State Tender Board Act, 1968, in order to extend the powers of the State Tender Board; to amend the National Roads Act, 1971, to provide for the payment of an increased amount of customs or excise duty on certain petroleum products, into the National Road Fund; to amend the Defence Special Account Act, 1974, so as to provide that the Special Defence Account be credited with certain moneys; to amend the Exchequer and Audit Act, 1975, so as to provide that only amounts which were actually utilized under certain circumstances, be appropriated; to amend the Finance Act, 1975, so as to provide that the Strategic Oil Fund be transferred to the SOF (Proprietary) Limited; to provide for the defrayment of the revenue deficit in the Railway and Harbour Fund; to amend the Railways and Harbours Appropriation Act, 1976, so as to provide that the Minister of Transport may utilize savings; and to provide for incidental matters. Table of contents
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